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1.8L Round Cast Iron Grill Pan

1.8L Round Cast Iron Grill Pan

定價 $198.00 USD
定價 $198.00 USD 售價 $198.00 USD
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The Japanese famous AUX cast iron series uses an extra thick iron plate with 4.5mm, which has high heat retention, so it gently and evenly transfers heat to the inside without burning the surface of the food. It brings out the charm of the ingredients and reproduces the taste of luxury restaurants and teppanyaki cooking at home. This is a masterpiece which is carefully crafted by skilled artisans in Tsubamesanjo Niigata Prefecture, where the best metal processing is done in Japan. This round shape of the 26 cm grill pan, which comes with a lid, is perfect for 3 to 4 adult portions. You can bake seafood and steamed vegetables in addition to meat at the same time. 

- Size: Diameter 26 x L 45 x H 10.5 cm (with lid)
- Material: Iron, Natural wood, Stainless steel
- Made in Japan
- Note:
  • Gas stove and IH stove safe. 
  • No dishwasher, microwave or oven. 
  • To prevent rust, apply a thin layer of oil and store.

大人的鐵板系列 - 圓鍋型(含蓋子,單手柄)

大人的鐵板系列是由日本燕三條的先進專業工藝打造而成,此款26cm圓鍋型設計,適合3-4人份量。前所未有的4.5mm極厚鐵板,蓄熱性高,能達到一般煎鍋所做不到的均匀傳熱,同時不會燒焦食物表面,滋烤出食材的原始香味。另附鍋蓋,除了肉类,海鲜和蒸蔬菜也能同時處理,封住食物鮮味,在盖子打開的瞬間爆發美味。 因為保溫力強,烹飪後可直接將鐵板端上桌,便可品嘗到美味的熱食了,也可以使用桌上型IH爐,直接放上去煎烤,方便快捷。天然木材製成的把手,精心焊接,承重力高,使用越久越有味道。有了這一個專業鐵板,在家也能輕鬆享受高級餐廳的烤肉體驗!

- 尺寸:直徑 26 x 全長 45 x 高 10.5 cm (含蓋子)  
- 材質:厚鐵板,天然木,不鏽鋼
- 產地:日本
- 注意事項:瓦斯爐、IH爐可用。洗碗機、微波爐、烤箱不可用

- 養鍋說明:

  • 第一次使用前請按照説明,以清潔劑仔細清洗。
  • 使用後用海綿將表面汙垢用水刷洗即可。
  • 以中火加熱3-4分鐘後關火,將水分蒸發。
  • 放入兩大匙食用油均勻塗佈於整個鐵板後放涼。
  • 以餐巾紙拭去多餘油份,保持乾爽。
  • 使用多次漸漸開始形成油膜後,就不需要每次塗油。
  • 當鐵板還有熱度時請勿加入冷水劇烈降溫,可能會使產品變形。
